Reporting protest for the release of vultures in confined Arts Biennial of São Paulo


Reporting protest for the release of vultures in confined Arts Biennial of São Paulo


As Photos protest can be viewed by clicking here.


The videos protest can be viewed by accessing:

Part 1:

Part 2:


Over 40 activists gathered on 02 October 2010 to protest the confinement of three vultures "composes" the "work of art" of the pseudo-artist Nuno Ramos, affected by such a lack of creativity when having to use animals to illustrate his works that his presence at the Biennale comes to be an offense to Brazilian artists. Witness the massive adhesion of the public present at the Biennale, do not hesitate to join the activists, cheering and whistling as a sign of support for the campaign for the release of birds.

Using chains and handcuffs (that, moreover, were not detected by the security system with magazine bags and metal detectors that boasts Biennial, but without success), two activists of the NGO VEDDAS strapped to a structure adjacent to the facility where the vultures are confined and enjoyed the company of other activists present, from various fronts of the movement, to inform the visitors about the crimes they were witnessing, emphasizing that this was no mere polemic or a simple critique of work, but the witness of an environmental crime which is very well defined by Brazilian law.

The exhibition was inaugurated a week ago (in 25/09/2010) and even prior to the Biennial Foundation was alerted by activists about the crimes in which case would incur exposure allowed this supposed work of art, Mas chose to ignore the warnings. Five days after the inauguration, veterinary IBAMA were in place and decided to cancel the license display of birds, determined which are returned to their place of origin in Sergipe within five days (06 October). The opinion of the veterinary IBAMA was based on mistreatment, noting that the birds do not have a suitable environment, qualuqer and indeed one can see that the site is devoid of contact with sunlight, does not provide perches for birds cling, and are subject to constant noise coming out of the speakers installed in the three towers which rests precariously, not to mention the constant contact with the public and the extremely limited space does not allow this magnificent animals fly for more than 10 seconds. The "artist" has explored the same birds in an exhibition in Brasilia and intends (Your pretendia) confining them in the Bienal building until December.

While the birds were being "well-treated", this does not justify their use, since, if you could choose, certainly choose to be in their natural habitat and not subjecting themselves to the delusions of a mind narrow-minded and devoid of creativity. But this campaign for the animal rights activists need not resort to philosophical argument, it is in the legal field that São Paulo has a law prohibiting the display of animals in circuses and similar. There is also a Federal Law 9.605/98 (Law of Crimes Ambientais), which in article 32 criminalizes any acts of abuse or mistreatment of animals. Using as a tool to finding vets IBAMA, the animal rights activists have strengthened his argument maltreatment and enter a lawsuit against the Biennial Foundation and unhappy artist, that account for environmental crime which provides for three months to a year in prison. The Biennial Foundation also answers the assault of activists who were beaten by their security staff without provocation, with video recordings that show the details.

Such is the embarrassment of the Biennial Foundation that security guards Censored an activist who accepted the invitation of one of the works that calls the public to use the microphone and say whatever it wants (this proposal is quite clear that at the entrance of the facility). In opening the solitary reading of a text in repudiating the unfortunate work of "artist" speciesist, six security guards gathered around her, yanking microphone cables and taking the microphone of your reach, in a clear act of censure and rebuke that only served to reinforce the chorus sung by the tireless activists during the four hours that, accompanying the activists who were handcuffed to the building structure, shouted: “Biennial, what a shame!”.

VEDDAS - Ethical Vegetarianism, Defense of Animals and Society

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