VEDDAS-MOBILE and VEDDAS-CARTE need your cooperation


The VEDDAS-MOBILE (multimedia motorized vehicle that carries the message of animal rights to the streets of Sao Paulo) em breve completará três anos e precisa da sua ajuda para continuar levando a mensagem dos RIGHTS ANIMALS for the population.

Thanks to the commitment and organization of our dedicated volunteers, thousands of people have been touched by contact with the videos shown by VEDDAS-MOBILE, que agora tem 2 needs:

1) His presence volunteered to help us touch even more people on the streets. Case you want to volunteer, write to and pass all information, including the date of the next Volunteer Training Workshop to take place in mid-April. This is true not only for VEDDAS-MOBILE, but also for other projects fixed weekly: Vedder and BAR-Cart Vedder!

Here are two videos that show our projects fixed at full interactivity with the public on the streets:

VEDDAS-MOBILE (April 2008):

Vedder-Cart (March 2011):

VEDDAS activities are as efficient as the number of volunteers willing to give a few hours of your time per month. Participates! You will feel gratified / o.

2) His financial aid to buy a new TV, Now LCD, retiring the heavy and old TV, which increases the lifetime of the battery and improve the contrast for use under day light. With 3 years of use, the VEDDAS-CARTE is also in need of a general check-up: oil change, wheel alignment, construction of the structure that will support the new TV, new cables, new battery… The budget including the TV and all the maintenance that can no longer be postponed is forecast at U.S. $ 2.000,00.

To start the fundraising campaign, I just made a personal donation of £ 500,00 and invite all who believe in the power of transformation that this instrument of popular education to donate 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 real or how you can donate.

Is very easy to donate: just visit the site PagSeguro and make your donation by credit card or bank transfer:

You can still make a deposit directly into current account VEDDAS: Bradesco / ag: 0108-2 / current account: 0193122-9 em nome de VEDDAS Vegetarianismo Ético, CNPJ: 10.843.061/0001-74 (to the deposit, please kindly send an email so we can arrange the issuance and delivery of the donation receipt).

Remember that the VEDDAS have fixed expenses that go beyond those mentioned in this special occasion. Here's how you use it a monthly donation in the maintenance of our weekly activities of awareness about veganism and animal rights accessing: / collaborate /

Note: Did in September 2010 a campaign fundraising to buy a LCD TV for VEDDAS-MOBILE and also all equipment necessary for assembly of VEDDAS-CARTE, but the amount collected was less than the total required and we decided to prioritize mounting VEDDAS-CARTE and postpone the purchase of TV. Now the time has come!

If you can not contribute financially with VEDDAS-MOBILE, is a volunteer and feel the satisfaction of having a few hours a week or month dedicated to raise awareness about this issue that is so urgent and important: animal liberation. The more volunteers are present in our actions, managed to get more results by animals.

If you want to be a volunteer VEDDAS, write to

Be with a cash donation or your local presence, count on your collaboration!

VEDDAS - Ethical Vegetarianism, Defense of Animals and Society

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