World Vegan Day 2012

Today is a beautiful day for you to become vegan(the).
Established in 1994 por Louise Wallis, then president of "Vegan Society" (Vegan Society) This is England, the oldest institution vegan world, World Vegan Day is celebrated around the world on the first business day of November. In 2012, the term "vegan" - in Portuguese, "Vegan" - Full 68 years. It was created by Donald Watson, in 1944. At the time, Donald took the 3 first and 2 last letters of the word "vegetarian" (vegetarian, English) to form a new word, that designaria, thereafter, those people who wanted to take a vegetarian diet plus.
Indeed, vegans refuse any product or service that is obtained through the suffering of animals. It is a way of living that brings more health conscience and to the people who, otherwise, feel guilty for having funded the slaughterhouses at some point in their lives. Vegans also refuse products obtained with human exploitation, since we are also animals, although often forget that. For this reason, Companies that handle or work rules that effectively enslave their employees are out of the shopping list of a person who follows the philosophy of life vegan.
Veganism - the name of the vegan philosophy of life - it is necessary to make the world fairer, greener and less violent.
Schedule of activities for World Vegan Day 2012 VEDDAS
[01/11 Thursday – 19H30 AS 22h30]
Vedder-cards on Paulista Avenue (in front of the Center 3) with distribution of vegan cake
Event not Facebook.
[02/11 Friday – 10h as 15h]
Ibirapuera Park (Peace Square, near the bamboos, entry gate 8)
Picnic, presentations, conversation, "Stand-up" vegan with stories and fun experiments involving veganism, Bring your musical instruments
Event not Facebook.
[02/11 Friday – 16H30 AS 22h30]
Vedder-cards on Paulista Avenue (in front of the Center 3)
Event not Facebook.
[03/11 Saturday – 19h as 22h]
Vedder-cards on Paulista Avenue (in front of the Center 3)
Event not Facebook.
Vedder-Cart on ABC [16AS H30 20:30]
Address to be confirmed
[04/11 Sunday – 16AS H30 19:30]
Vedder-cards on Paulista Avenue (in front of the Center 3)
Event not Facebook.
Vedder-Cart on ABC[16AS H30 20:30]
Address to be confirmed
[01/11 Thursday at 21h]
Barraquinhas products and food veganas
In pracinha behind Vilarte Avenue in the Ponta Negra Beach
Event not Facebook.
[03/11 Saturday at 15h]
Meeting for new volunteers at Parque das Dunas
Event not Facebook.
[01/11 Thursday – 13h as 17h]
VEDDAS-CARTE in the Journal Square, Bairro Santo Antônio
Event not Facebook.
[04/11 Sunday – 13h as 17h]
Vedder-Carter in New Street, Bairro Santo Antônio
The event in general Facebook.