Bauru-SP: 2 Talks Vegan with Free Admission at SESC

SESC LECTUREAs 2 lectures will be given on Tuesday, 16 October, by George Guimarães vegan nutritionist and have free entry.
16h | Environmental impacts in food | At the site of the SESC
Meet the impacts that the production of animal foods cause to the environment and find sustainable alternatives for changing your diet. With George Guimarães, vegan dietitian. 30 vacancies.
Early entries in the Call Center. Multiple Use Room 2.

19h | Nutritional adequacy of vegetarian food " | At the site of the SESC

Lecture aims to discuss the various food philosophies such as Chinese and Ayurvedic Diet Therapy and perform a thorough discussion about vegetarianism, answering questions about the adoption of this diet. With George Guimarães, vegan dietitian. 30 vacancies. Early entries in the Call Center. Multiple Use Room 3.
Local: SESC Bauru – Avenida Aureliano Cardia, 6-71 – Vila Cardia – Bauru - SP

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