CineVEDDAS Displays “The Chicken That He scoffed System” and “People!”


On 27 March will be shown at Cine VEDDAS SP two films: "People!” (1990), a film director Werner Schumann Paraná, and also "The Chicken He scoffed System" (2012) Quico director Meirelles, who will be present to talk about the production and talk with the public. The Cine VEDDAS also will offer vegan delicacies for tasting.

The Chicken He scoffed System
A chicken in a factory farm has a vision: Gear becomes aware that rules your life. Even cloistered among millions of chickens, who do not share his anguish, she believes that life can be different.
Director: Quico Meirelles
15 my
See trailer.
27 March 2013 19:30
Matilha Cultural: Rego de Freitas 542, Centro - SP
After the movie chat with the presence of the director.

To learn more about People! visit blog do CineVEDDAS.

People! He scoffed and The Chicken System will also be on Christmas and Sorocaba in April.
Natal / RN: 8 April - Auditorium UFRN
Sorocaba: 26 April - Castle Off-Axis
More information
Confirm your presence on the display page of the SP event at Facebook.the chicken that cheated the system

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