Call to DIDA 2014

ATTENTION: The SATURDAY ADDRESS HAS CHANGED. The address will be the same Friday: on the Viaduct Tea, next to City Hall with access to the subway Anhangabaú – reiterating, both dates will take place at the same location, being transferred activity in the Paulista Avenue to the Viaduct Tea in central city.
Join DIDA VEDDAS 2014 in São Paulo on 12 and 13 December 2014
Understand what is the act of VEDDAS in the DIDA watching the video produced by Harideva in previous years:
We call upon activists aligned with their conduct of VEDDAS to participate in the act of observing the International Day of Animal Rights (DIDA) 2014. Shocking as in previous years, will argue in our arms animal carcasses victimized by the animal exploitation industry, thus provoking reflection on the consideration that non-human animals are in our society.
Concomitantly, other volunteers will be available to chat with the audience and deepen the discussion about animal exploitation. The VEDDAS-CARTE will be in place to enrich the act behind the scenes with the industry of animal exploitation.
The VEDDAS NGO performs acts in observation of the International Day of Animal Rights since 2006, having acquired the current format from 2011 already adding a dozen actions like this on different dates in different cities.
– Friday, 12 December 2014, on the Viaduct near City Hall Tea with the arrival 11:30;
– Saturday, 13 December 2014, on Avenida Paulista in front of Shopping Center 3 arriving at 11:30 (that location may be changed to another on the same avenue and if that is the case it will be notified by email or phone).
* Participation by registration only until 11 December 2014
* Want to join? Read carefully the instructions below (SIM, ALL!) and submit your registration form as soon as possible so we can program the number of volunteers will be present.
If you agree with these simple rules, we hope we can count on your presence to build this impressive act in favor of animal rights dissemination. Dúvidas? Contact by email
When there is doubt, contact by email