Manifestation III World Anti-Vivisection and Animal Testing In Sorocaba, SP

The action took place on Saturday (27), in the center of Sorocaba-SP
The young actor Eduardo Prado, which is voluntary NGO VEDDAS | Sorocaba (Facebook), subjected to various types of torture carried out daily in laboratories worldwide. Some of torture - of course - could not be staged by the group, but others have been real.
For more than two hours, Eduardo was in the chair where he received substances in the eye, was forced to drink fluids and - most impressive - received electric shocks real. The group took a machine connected to an automotive battery to hold the protest with a content odd reality.
The purpose of the presentation was achieved. Hundreds of people transiting through downtown, it has just over 500 thousand inhabitants and lies at about 100 km da capital, had no way to ignore the action and received information about vivisection and about why not to buy products tested on animals.
Videos action:
More photos of the protest here.