Intervention during speech of the Minister of the Environment

Activists from Brazil Rainforest Movement and NGOs united in VEDDAS intervention in lecture Environment Minister Izabela Teixeira at TEDx repudiating the Brazilian environmental policy.

Video of the intervention:

Photos of the action (facebook):
This Thursday, 29 November 2012, Movement activists Brazil Rainforest, NGO VEDDAS and independent activists intervened with a peaceful and quiet during the lecture Environment Minister Izabela Teixeira.

The act occurred in TEDx event VilaMadá, order to report setbacks Brazilian environmental policy, specifically the approval of the New Forest Code that benefits loggers and construction of mega hydroelectric Belo Monte at a high financial cost and environmental. No in[icio the fore, activists with posters and silent, diriijram up on stage showing off their posts beside the minister and facing the public. The event was broadcast live and TEDx organization expressed concern with the manifestation, but at no time prevented the peaceful act.


For Brazil Forests: / redeBrasilpelasFlorestas

Activists from Brazil Rainforest Movement and NGOs united in VEDDAS intervention in lecture Environment Minister Izabela Teixeira at TEDx repudiating the Brazilian environmental policy.

Photos of the action (facebook):

This Thursday, 29 November 2012, Movement activists Brazil Rainforest, NGO VEDDAS and independent activists intervened with a peaceful and quiet during the lecture Environment Minister Izabela Teixeira.

The act occurred in TEDx event VilaMadá, order to report setbacks Brazilian environmental policy, specifically the approval of the New Forest Code that benefits loggers and construction of mega hydroelectric Belo Monte at a high financial cost and socioambiental.No beginning of the lecture activists, with posters and silent, diriijram up on stage showing off their posts beside the minister and facing the public. The event was broadcast live and TEDx organization expressed concern with the manifestation, but at no time prevented the peaceful act.

The theme of this edition of TEDx was "Our Water Planet" which influenced the making of the protest signs: "Rivers and spreads spreads life # PareBeloMonte", "Without water there is no forests NãoaoNovoCódigoFlorestal #" and "Our forests have more life with the new Forest Code?"Were some of the phrases in cartazes.A lecture was interrupted by the silent presence of the protesters and after 21 minutes of stalemate activists made use of the microphone and denounced the Brazilian environmental policy setbacks. "Servers IBAMA were removed to facilitate the construction of the Belo Monte" said George Guimaraes NGO VEDDAS, he continued: "There was no interest in nature, in water or in our country, on the issue of forest code was ruralista interest "and concluded saying" This embarrassment that the public and the minister suffered today represent a drop of water on the Xingu River, because while this brainwashing that kind of talk the new forest code was raped and destroyed our forests. "Francine Luanda, copyright activist who joined the action, questioned the democratic legitimacy in the conduct of environmental policy: "When there was public consultation, where there was democracy in this whole process?"The protesters withdrew peacefully after intervention. The Brazil Rainforest Movement and NGOs VEDDAS will proceed with its shares information and reporting on environmental policy setbacks brasileira.Brasil For Forests: / redeBrasilpelasFlorestas



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