Intervention lecture on New Forest Code


During the seminar “The Reform of the Code Florestal” held in the morning on 15 August 2011 in FIESP (Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo), the Federal Deputy Aldo Rebello, rapporteur of the text of the New Code Florestal and Senator Abreu Kátia, President of the National Confederation of Agriculture had their speech interrupted by activists who questioned them about the folly of the proposed new Forest Code, recently passed the House of Representatives and now being processed in the Senate.

Activists showed their questions until the moment they were swept away by security out of the building FIESP in Avenida Paulista in Sao Paulo. Other activists waited to put their questions to the end of the lecture, which was broadcast live on Channel FIESP on the internet and counted with the presence of several media outlets.



Dozens of demonstrations against the new Forest Code are happening throughout Brazil and in several cities abroad. The site / provides information on the topic and address provides information on the international mobilization.


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