Lecture VII Event in Animal Law UNESP - Rio Claro, SP

The Department of Physical Education, through the Institute of Biosciences, with support from CEAPLA - Center for Analysis and Environmental Planning (IGCE), from UNESP Rio Claro SP, and organization of teachers Prof.. Dr. Luiz Augusto Lima Normanha, (Physical Education), Prof.. Pull. Leila de Basto Marrach Albuquerque (Physical Education) is profe. Pull. Adelaide Magda Lombardo (CEAPLA / IGCE / UNESP), Invite to Event VII Animal Law UNESP Rio Claro 2012, whose schedule is as follows.

"Once seen as a product of the romantic sentimentalism and inconsequential, the struggle for respect for life and freedom of nonhuman animals begins to gain prominence in our country (…). Begins, finally, to be seen as it really is: legitimate a movement with a clear purpose and strong base supported on both scientific and philosophical. "
(ANDA - News Agency of Animal Rights, 2010)
In its seventh edition, Event Animal Rights UNESP Rio Claro 2012 will be held on 19, 20 and 21 June 2012, at the Institute of Biosciences. Annually, is performed as the closing semester course offered by Professor Dr. Luiz Augusto Lima Normanha, entitled: "The Animal Condition: subsidies for a discussion on ethics, morals and conscience. ". The organization has, therefore, with the collaboration of the students enrolled in the course. Respected professionals Animal Rights, Ethics, Veganism and activism for animals, including a vegan dietitian, activists, biologist, psychologist, Educators, prosecutors and lawyers discuss topics such as the use of animals in research, feeding raw food, vegan and its relationship with the animal rights, and activism.

19/06/2012 - Tuesday - Wednesday:
12h: Intervention and Cantina R.U. - Restaurant with University:
• Alert on meat consumption;
• Shows Movie;
• Distribution of leaflets.
Intervention is an initiative of students, with participation and membership open to the public.
18h: OFFICE - Viva Food - Crudivorismo: learn to eat and grow.
Invited: Mariana de Moraes Vuolo
20/06/2012 - Wednesday - Friday
18h: Lecture: Veganism: Vegan food to save animals, health care and preserve the planet.
Guest: George Guimarães.
20h: Veganism: Activism, balance sheet and results of actions.
Invited: Nina Rosa.
21/06/2012 - Thursday.
18h: Animal Research research is unethical.
Guests: Carlos A. Bedin Cyprus, Luis de Andrade Martini's Laertes Levai (www.veganospelaabolicao.org)

Read more about this event:
Guide Rio Claro
Newspapers City
Tribuna Animal

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