Lecture in São Paulo on the Animal Rights Conference 2007 em Los Angeles (USA) – www.arconference.org

Materials, facts, Photos, stories…

Lecture with George Guimarães

VEDDAS - Ethical Vegetarianism, Defense of Animals and Society


[ view an illustrated version of this message www.veddas.org.br/ar2007.jpg ]

[ see some photos of the conference http://community.webshots.com/album/560191580Szzrjt ]

Attended the conference 800 ativistas Vindos of 11 countries, about 100 speakers representing 70 organizations.

The full program can be watched at www.arconference.org/schedule.htm

Come interact with other activists and learn a little about what happened in the Animal Rights Conference in July this year in the U.S.

This Thursday, 09 August, to 19 hours

Check frank

After the lecture there will be dinner service for those interested

Thanks in advance to confirm your attendance by e-mail vegethus@vegethus.com.br or on mobile 11 5585-3475 // 11 5539-3635


VEGETHUS Restaurant Vegetariano

Rua Padre Machado, 51

Vila Mariana - SP

Close to the metro station Santa Cruz




VEDDAS www.veddas.org.br


VEGETHUS Restaurant Vegetariano www.vegethus.com.br

THIS SATURDAY (11/08): Vegan Pizza Night with Fondue Chocosoy Olvebra - more http://www.vegethus.com.br/nossolugar.php?pg=24

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