VEDDAS Participates Demonstrations Against Increased Rate of Transport and Public Corruption
Follows the testimony of the president of the NGO VEDDAS, George Guimarães, which explains the involvement of NGOs in protest.
Read MoreFollows the testimony of the president of the NGO VEDDAS, George Guimarães, which explains the involvement of NGOs in protest.
Read MoreYesterday, day 05 June 2013, the VEDDAS was present in ETEC Lauro Gomes, in Sao Bernardo do Campo (SP). Invited by students of the secretarial course who met
Read MoreOn 25 May 2013, VEDDAS to attend the March Against The Monsato in Sao Paulo, an event that is happening in other countries concomitantly. Your presence is
Read MoreVEDDAS is actively participating in the organization of actions and movements against the construction of Belo Monte and against the new Forest Code, including the camp that began on 15 of
Read MoreCinema and Cultural VEDDAS Green Pack feature - a film by Patrick Rouxel Day 22 May 2103, the film Green will be shown in the Cine VEDDAS project that
Read MoreGastronomic turn the streets of Sao Paulo. Thousands of people queued to eat the bodies of sentient animals. Participate in this event to offer another view. In the booth next to, 9
Read MoreAction VEDDAS on Mother's Day in the Valley now Anhangabau in SP: mother and daughter, animal carcasses and many dedicated activists. Collaborate with VEDDAS – Vegetarianism
Read MoreVEGETHUS NO YOU EAT ANIMALS HEALTH AND EARN DOUBLE VEGETHUS Lunch or dine in the restaurant will make a donation in his name to VEDDAS-MOBILE! (valid
Read MoreVegan education is the theme of Cine VEDDAS SP of April Day 24 April, the film Vegana will be shown in the Cine VEDDAS project that takes place every
Read MoreOn 11 April, 19h, of EDA (Study Group on Animal Rights - São Paulo), in partnership with the NGO VEDDAS (Ethical Vegetarianism, Defence of Rights
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