Popular Action (Legal) Against Belo Monte


The Institute of Environmental Justice e a ONG VEDDAS, in partnership with Movement For Brazil Forests began a campaign EFFECTIVENESS Brazilian environmental legislation through POPULAR ACTIONS against the construction of the hydroelectric plant of Belo Monte.

What is a class action?
A class action is a legal instrument and a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution, Art. 5º, that allows any citizen to sue the Brazilian judiciary when there is an act injurious or risk of injury to property of the Union, in which case, to the environment.
Find out below how you can help.
What is the hydroelectric plant of Belo Monte?


Social Impacts

Economic Impacts

Environmental Impacts

Scientific-Technical Analyses

How you can participate?
1) Print and sign a power of attorney under (select only one):

Women Lawyers and Attorney Fernanda Terla (RS)

Attorney's Lawyer Francisco Felix (SP)

Procurção the Attorney Carlos Cipro (SP)

Power of Attorney

2) Include a copy simple (need not be authenticated) its RG (ID Card) OR voter.
3) Send the attorney and the copy of the document to the address below.
4) To help reduce our costs with the printing of the text for each attorney received, if you can also print 3 pathways of popular action that will be attached to the proxy you signed (if this impression is an impediment, skip this step). The item in each of the sheets is optional.
* If you are a lawyer(a) and want to collaborate to get some of the proxies on your behalf, contact by e-mail to veddas@veddas.org.br disponibilizarmos the site for an attorney in PDF with your data. We will also send additional instructions as it deems necessary.
Address for submission of documents:
Rua Haddock Lobo, 187
Cerqueira César – Sao Paulo – SP
RATHER, wish to receive these documents until 10/11/2011 for the first phase of the shares. If you can not submit before that date, still be very important that you send for us to use in the second phase, take place in December this year.
Help spread!
– Disseminate this link on your blog, site ou facebook.
– Print copies of the proxy and ask your friends to sign. Send to the address above along with a simple copy of identity card OR voter who signed the power of attorney.
Contact us by email veddas@veddas.org.br


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