The undersigned organizations communicate their support for activists unjustly detained and criminalized for defending animals.
Morning 22 June of 2011, the forces of order and state security entered the houses of 12 activists Spanish state in the regions of Madrid, Asturias, Basque Country and Galicia.
Twelve activists collaborating or cooperating organizations in defense of animals Equanimal foundation and association Equal Animal. After several days in the dungeons Civil Guard and the following statements before the judge, three of them remain in custody while the rest is probation with charges.
While claims made by these activists have always been peaceful, Civil Guard officers made a self-characterization of an anti-terrorist operation, interdicting the streets around the homes of activists, entering heavily armed and wearing balaclavas in private homes of some of them, and even entering the homes of the mothers of two of the activists. All this to make a record that seized dozens of computers, hard disks, cameras and various materials they use for their daily work.
After registration were arrested and taken into police vans to Santiago de Compostela, Pontevedra and Coruña, where spent three days incommunicado in the dungeons these cities and greve de fome in protest arrests.
Activists are accused various offenses, including those related to massive release of minks. Actions with which the accused defendants and have no relation.
They are also accused of unlawful association, Equality and animal despite being two Equanimal organizations legally constituted, whose work is based on the company to disclose the terrible situation that the animals suffer in many areas, always showing who they are and why they do. Actions that have even invited journalists who have accompanied them, and have subsequently obtained a wide repercussions in the media, both nationally and internationally. Nevertheless, the judge found that three of the activists should be remanded in custody, while the remaining nine were set free with charges pending trial.
The media, on the other hand, is almost universally, and despite not having any evidence, violated the rights of the accused and accused ignoring the presumption of innocence, labeling them from “eco-terrorists” and violent and even stating that these organizations taught to manufacture explosives from their websites. Something absolutely false and outrageous.
These arrests are an clearly shows the process of repression and criminalization under which lies the Animal Rights Movement. A process that affects each and everyone equally, since it is an example of what can happen when the work of any person or organization without prejudice to the interests of business strong and influential, as in the case of the fur industry.
For all the foregoing, demand that the three activists in custody be brought into immediate release, as well as the end of this unfair process by which one seeks to suppress the Animal Rights Movement.
Looking Animals –
VEDDAS - Ethical Vegetarianism, Defense of Animals and Society –
ANDA – News Agency of Animal Rights –