
Every year the VEDDAS held a protest against the "McHappy Unhappy", date on which the fast food chain carries a national campaign of misinformation through which seeks to link the image to the fight against cancer, which is just a great hypocrisy since this company promotes a diet that brings precisely the characteristics that promote disease.

The protest aims to expose the hypocrisy of this fast-food chain that, while promoting a diet that is linked to the promotion of cancer, shows up very opportunely interested in helping entities that legitimately work to support people with the disease, thus seeking to divert attention from the real facts about your business, that in addition to promoting intensely consuming a diet rich in fat and refined carbohydrates and low in fiber and protective substances, also fosters an industry that exploits every year billions of sentient animals.

The action takes place in front of the major chain stores located in Av. Paulista and Rua Augusta gathering around 20 a 30 activists.


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