The Ministry is considering animals as commodities?
Luís de Andrade Martini
Five hundred million animals are used every year worldwide in scientific experiments taken as. This is just a very conservative estimate , because the numbers may be even more significant. Was the human moral history making a mistake while using animals in experiments, as we have committed in subduing other humans slavery? Sexism and racism are examples of prejudice groups circumstantially in power relative to other groups. These powerful groups attributes values irrelevant features, usually physical or biological (sex, color, age, etc.), only they have and this way try to impose the idea that not having this feature makes the other group a group with no value. Worthless is something we do not deserve moral consideration and does not deserve moral consideration, We can make this something we want.
Children, women and some ethnic groups were once considered mere objects, things or goods in the course of history. And animals, as they have been considered morally for us? Speciesism is a form of prejudice and discrimination based on the difference between species. Presupposes that the interests of an individual are of minor importance for the mere fact of belonging to a particular species. It is fair to use animals as mere things? They have inherent value, experimenters even try to deny it and only see them in accordance with human interests, ie by its extrinsic value and conditional, as well as ex. slaves have value only insofar as it can satisfy the desires and being used by their owners and not by their essential condition of human beings who are (valor inerente).
Use non-human animals in scientific experiments detrimentally is morally wrong. If we are physically and psychologically similar to them and both humans and animals have a basic common feature is that sentience (a sentient being that is capable of feeling pain, suffering and joy) and fundamental human rights attach to themselves as the right to life, physical integrity and freedom, we are morally obliged to assign these same basic rights to nonhuman animals. According to the principle of justice that grants us equal consideration of interests like beings, we have no right to use detrimentally animals in scientific experiments. Nonhuman animals are not interested in being volunteer experiences involving pain and suffering. Protect your interest whether this produces, or not, desirable consequences is to recognize their inherent value.
All sentient beings be they children or other animal species have the right to develop its own nature , violating this right is to destroy the being. According to the principle of vulnerability, the more fragile it is a being, more protection it must have to be guaranteed their rights. There is no moral justification for inflicting pain and suffering to other animal species more vulnerable than our. Rather we should protect them. The central issue is moral and therefore not using the animals as if they were goods, but experimenters have diverted the focus of attention of society to an improvement in the treatment of animals and regulations of its use as this alleged bill, P.L. Arouca. Exploited still being explored, slaves remain slaves even if we put in larger spaces and airy. The condition of slavery and exploitation of animals is to be discussed widely by society and no law should be imposed in this way arbitrary, it runs the risk of becoming an undemocratic act.
Luis de Andrade Martini is a psychologist and professor of psychology course graduate of the Institute of São Paulo Seat of Wisdom, which also performs the duties of supervisor and advisor stages of scientific research.
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